What Exactly Is BrainTap?

BrainTap is a powerfully effective technological shortcut that allows you to harness the power of your own mind to achieve physical, mental, and emotional balance.

In just a few 20-minute BrainTap sessions, you can accomplish what would take you years to achieve using traditional meditation or mindfulness practices – and the benefits are long-lasting.

The power of the human mind is nothing new to science. Doctors have known for decades that your mind has the power to help you lose weight, stop smoking, manage pain, overcome phobias, accelerate learning, and enhance athletic performance. The only problem has been finding a way to harness that potential. Meditation is known to be an effective way to tap into the power of your mind – but most people aren’t able to dedicate the required years of time and effort.


According to Dr. Patrick K. Porter, developer and CEO of BrainTap Technologies,
“While millions of people want the benefits of meditation, it requires discipline. Thus, few people ever master it. And that’s where the BrainTap comes in.”


BrainTap uses carefully calibrated light and sound frequencies to help your brain relax, de-stress, and enter a deep meditative state.

Your brain is gently and safely guided into specific brainwave patterns that boost your mood, improve sleep patterns, sharpen your mind, and increase relaxation levels – quickly and effortlessly.


Over the last three decades, thousands of Dr. Porter’s clinical patients have been able to overcome stress eating, conquer a bad habit, instill a positive mindset, master a sport, enhance learning, get super fit, advance a career, or simply regain their health and vitality – by using BrainTap to unleash the same potential that each of us has locked in our own brain.


BrainTap is a safe, non-invasive, proven, effective technology that has the potential to transform your life.


Call us if you’re curious about how you can make regular BrainTap sessions a part of your path to complete health & wellness.

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What’s The Science Behind BrainTap?

BrainTap works by stimulating your brainwaves into different frequencies, improving both mental and physical performance. Over time, BrainTap trains your brain to be resilient and creative, building up new neural

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