Are you ready to FINALLY shed that extra weight?

Imagine How FANTASTIC You Will Feel!

Get and Stay Lean!
Experience Your Own
Amazing Transformation!


your medically developed nutritional plan & coaching that WILL help you

  • Lose weight quickly
  • Retain muscle mass
  • Improve your skin tone
  • Control your appetite
  • Reduce your cravings

Fuel your body properly with essential macronutrients –
our medically-developed, all-natural mix of proteins, healthy fats, & complex carbohydrates to help you get and stay lean!

Watch your blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure improve as you add healthy muscle or lose up to 2-3 pounds per week!

↓ Look at these success stories! ↓

Hi, I tried losing weight for 12 yrs, tried everything. But not until now I was able to lose 22 pounds in 1 month on my way to losing 111 pounds! And I never felt hungry on this diet. They have a different flavor for every meal and different types of food. I recommend Ravive. The staff is friendly and helpful! Howard coaches very well.
Ikar G

Questions?   We have answers for you.

Let us help you design your own customized wellness protocol

Learn more about Ideal Protein Medical Weight Loss

Ideal Protein

0 Pounds Lost (and counting…) Ideal Protein is a line of medically developed nutrition and proudly carried by Ravive Vitality...

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When you visit us here at the entrance to Shelter Island on San Diego Bay, you’re just steps away from miles of beautiful bayfront walking paths.

You’ll also find kayak & bike rentals nearby if that’s more your style.

Why not take time for some fresh air and healthy activity while you’re in the neighborhood?